Certificate - Micro-credential - Wānanga

Te Puni Kōkiri Aviation Cadetship

78 credits

This Cadetship contains a Certificate, Micro-credential, Wānanga and Numeracy and Literacy in Aviation Course

Te Puni Kōkiri’s Cadetships programme was established in 2010 to support kaitono (employers) to develop, mentor and train their permanent Māori staff at all career stages into higher-skilled roles. It's aim is to support Māori to achieve their full potential in the workplace and contribute to thriving, innovative and resilient businesses.
The Aviation Cadets programme is run for JNP Aviation Māori employees who are Ramp agents, in conjunction with JNP Aviation Training, Mount Maunganui Mana whenua and Te Puni Kōkiri. The programme is run alongside the workplace to allow learning to occur without disruption to an employees work schedule.  

The Programme consists of the following:

Wāhanga One: New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Ground Handling) with a strand in Ramp Operations (level 3, 61 credits)
Wāhanga Two: Leadership in Aviation (Micro-credential) (level 3, 19 credits)
Wāhanga Three: JNPAT Literacy and Numeracy in Aviation
Wāhanga Four: With mana whenua at Whareroa Marae : Local Wānaga Workshop

Entry requirements

Learners must be Māori employees in ground operations

Purpose statement

Te Puni Kōkiri’s Cadetship programme was established in 2010 to support kaitono (employers) to develop, mentor and train their permanent Māori staff at all career stages into higher-skilled roles. It's aim is to support Māori to achieve their full potential in the workplace and contribute to thriving, innovative and resilient businesses.

Please see the following qualifications:

Please see

New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Ground Handling) with a strand in Ramp Operations

Leadership in Aviation (Micro-credential)

Graduate profile

Please see

New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Ground Handling) with a strand in Ramp Operations

Leadership in Aviation (Micro-credential)

In addition graduates will be competent in aviation literacy and numeracy at level 3 and have a broad understanding of te ao Māori in the local area, and in an aviation sense.

Key Dates

4 March 2024 - 31 Dec 2024

Start date

4 March 2024

Course duration

31 December 2024

Study Location


Days on site per week

5 days per week



Delivery method

The programme is run alongside the workplace to allow learning to occur without disruption to an employees work schedule. It involves self-directed learning on JNP Aviation Training's LMS, kanohi ki te kanohi facilitation and Teams, workplace practical learning and wānanga.

Course and assesSment type

Online assessments and projects on JNP Aviation Training's LMS, workplace practical observational assessments.


This is a Te Puni Kōkiri - JNP Aviation funded Cadetship

Costs to students



78 credits

youth guarantee


New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Ground Handling) with a strand in Ramp Operations (level 3, 61 credits), Leadership in Aviation (Micro-credential) (level 3, 19 credits)

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